
Acolyte Ministry

The Bishop Stephen Gill Spottswood Order of the Chancel Ministry is an initiative at the connectional level as a ministry for children and youth. As a result of action by the 50th Session of the General Conference in 2016, Rev. Dr. Katryn Brown convened a committee to develop guidelines for a connectional level acolyte ministry.


I give the best of my time, talent and treasure to God through discipleship, leadership and service.


Our mission is to develop acolytes to be keepers of the altar. Our desire is to have them learn how to act liturgically, handle the holy articles of the church, help people worship and see something of the majesty of God.


Black, red and green representing our heritage as African Americans; blue symbolizing the AME Zion Church, and white representing the purity of holiness.


Symbols on the logo are a wood cross to be worn by acolytes during worship services; the A.M.E Zion Church logo; the Sign of the Fish representing Jesus Christ, discipleship, and being fishers of men, an eagle representing excellence and leadership in conduct, ethics, work andservice to others; the laurel wreath symbolizing scholarship in education and Christian Education; and the shaking hands representing partnership, accountability and service, and brotherhood and sisterhood.

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