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The Assembly of Christian Educators

In 1974 during the Quadrennial Convention held on the campus of Livingstone College, a committee was appointed to propose a structure for wat was to be organized The Assembly of Christian Educators.

Mission Statement

The Assembly of Christian Educators (ACE) is a body of dedicated, faithful, and committed Christians doing the will of God through educational ministry. We endeavor to extend to all persons the mission of Jesus Christ through a holistic approach. We promote God’s word, the importance of Christian nurture and the doctrines of The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. Therefore, it is our goal to develop (1) discipleship (2) personal growth, and (3) spiritual growth through training, educational resource sharing, stewardship, witnessing, outreach, and fellowship.


The official baby blue and red stole is sanctioned by the Christian Education Department. The stole may only be worn over the official dress. The stole is to be worn only after one has been properly stoled on the connectional, episcopal, annual conference, or district level. At the time of the stoling ceremony, members are expected to be in full and complete official dress.
Color day may be designated by Christian Education directors at each level to celebrate special events for all departments. On these days the various departments will wear their official colors.

Theme Songs

ACE has two theme songs, both written by Dr. Mary A. Love: “We Are Christian Educators” (tune: “We Are Climbing Jacob’s


Membership should be paid before attending interim meetings. Permanent lifetime membership dues are $300.00. These dues may be paid on the installment plan. Once paid the member is obliged to pay an annual membership fee of $15.00 to the Region. The fees collected from these contributions go into the college/ continuing education fund.


The colors for ACE are red and baby blue. Red is used to symbolize the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross for our redemption. Blue is the academic color used in academia for education and symbolizes the work of education in kingdom building.

Official Dress Code

The official dress for female Christian educators in The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church is a navy blue dress or a navy blue suit worn with a white blouse. Men wear a navy blue suit with a white shirt and a red or navy tie. The official dress is worn at all official Christian Education functions as designated by the episcopal, conference, district and or local directors of Christian Education. Examples of these events would be Christian Education Day at any church level, special color days, or a special service calling for official dress at the General Convention or any interim meeting.

The ACE Emblem

Enclosed in a circle that represents the infinity of God and his sovereignty, the ACE emblem features the name of the organization and its acronym. With the words inscribed in the outer circle, the emblem identifies ACE as a component of the Christian Education Department in The A.M.E. Zion Church.

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