Church School Literature
The purpose and mission of the Department of Church School Literature is to develop curriculum resources for use by members of the AME Zion Church for the purpose of Christian nurture, spritual growth and enrichment. Although Church School Literature is a Department within the Christian Education Department, it is considered a stand-alone department headed by an elected General Officer.
The work of the CSL Editorial Section
Develop resourses for use in Sunday School
- The Beginner Quarterly (Ages 2-5)
- The Beginner Quarterly (Ages 2-5)
- The Junior Quarterly (Ages 9-12)
- The Intermediate-Senior Quarterly (Ages 13-17)
- The Young People-Adult Quarterly (Ages 18 and older)
- Develop supplemental resources designed to aid in teaching
- Church School Herald Journal
Connect with The CSL Department
Become a Herald-Journal Subscriber – $20 per year. Please include your name, address, email address, contact number along with your check or money order to: The Department of Church School Literature AME Zion Church PO Box 26770, Charlotte, NC 28221