Young Adult Christian Ministry

The Young Adults in Christian Ministries was accepted as the third division of the Christian Education Department at the 1986 Convention on Christian Education. In 1990, history records YACM as officially organized at the Convention on Christian Education at Livingstone College, Salisbury, North Carolina


The Young Adults in Christian Ministries shall:

Steering Committees


The Young Adults in Christian Ministries is composed of all young adults between the ages 22- 40 in the denomination. However, allowances will be made on all levels for those whose life circumstances dictate a younger age when persons are no longer youths.


The colors for YACM are red and gold. Red symbolizes power and the redemptive work of the blood of Jesus. It is also the color used consistently by all divisions of the Christian Education Department. Gold symbolizes royalty, indicating the belief in Christians as a chosen people and part of a royal priesthood.


The emblem for YACM is a diamond superimposed upon the cross, symbolizing that Christ is our foundation. The diamond is a jewel, symbolizing Jesus, the priceless Jewel, who is our Savior and Lord. The cross is a symbol of Calvary where Jesus bled and died for our salvation. The cross bridges us to our precious jewel of salvation, Jesus, and represents the “victory” of salvation. The colors of the emblem are red for the cross and gold for the jewel with black lettering.

Theme Song

The theme song for YACM is “Pass It On” by Kurt Kaiser. Listen to the song here

YACM in the Local Church

YACM groups in the local church give special attention to the different needs of young adults. Advisors who work with the youth adults must understand the societal and developmental needs of this group in order to provide proper support and guidance. Developmental and Generational Characteristics, and Implications for the Multi-Generational Christian Education Ministry. YACM in the local church can be acatalyst for the various ministries that can be developed within the church address the special needs of the emerging adult.

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